Generate a Landform

In this tutorial, we will generate the landform using image mapper to generate a landform from a DEM file.

Step One:

Set up a 1000 × 1000 plain surface in rhino, we will use this as an original surface.

Step Two:

Import the surface into grasshopper, use it to create a matrix of grid as the base for generating the surface.

Step Three:

This step is using the grids we created before as original points, move them according to the image sampler, use the new points to generate a mesh, which will be the starting point of the landform.

Step Four:

The last step we want to flip the landform because it is upside down. We rotate all points from the center point of the landform (use a bounding box to find the geometry center as a rotation axis).

Rhino File

Grasshopper File