Below is a resource based on Rhino FAQ's we have come across in class.
Some basic commands in rhino are written to be intuitive (move, copy). Here are some other commands that could be useful for manipulating geometry.
Split: divide a brep into one or more pieces using a curve or a brep
Trim: remove a piece of a brep using a curve or a brep
Rotate: rotate geometry about a center point (default xy plane)
Rotate 3D: rotate geometry about an axis (you define the axis)
Orient : change the position and/or orientation of geometry using 2 reference points
Orient 3pt: change the position and/or orientation of geometry using 3 reference points
Scale: proportionally increase or decrease the size of the geometry
Scale 1D: increase or decrease the size of the geometry in one direction
Loft: Find the surfaces between 2 or more lines (only open or only closed)
Explode: Faces of polysurface or curves separated
Digital Toolbox is a good resource for learning rhino. They have videos for getting started.